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TwitVault: Easily Archive and Search Your Twitter Data with our Syncable Desktop App

› 2009/02/24


Such attention is becoming increasingly common as interactive technologies enable consumers to rapidly convey opinions to marketers.

“You used to wait to go to the water cooler or a cocktail party to talk over something,” said Richard Laermer, chief executive at RLM Public Relations in New York.

“Now, every minute is a cocktail party,” he added. “You write an e-mail and in an hour, you’ve got a fan base agreeing with you.”

That ability to share brickbats or bouquets with other consumers is important because it facilitates the formation of ad hoc groups, more likely to be listened to than individuals.

“There will always be people complaining, and always be people complaining about the complainers,” said Peter Shankman, a public relations executive who specializes in social media. “But this makes it easier to put us together.”

The phenomenon was on display last week when users of Facebook complained about changes to the Web site’s terms of service using methods that included, yes, groups on Facebook yielded to the protests and reverted to its original contract with users.

And in November, many consumers who used Twitter to criticize an ad for Motrin pain reliever received responses within 48 hours from the brand’s maker, a unit of Johnson & Johnson, which apologized for the ad and told them it had been withdrawn.

“Twitter is the ultimate focus group,” Mr. Shankman said. “I can post something and in a minute get feedback from 700 people around the world, giving me their real opinions.”

Twitter is the ultimate focus group

› 2009/02/15


Now think about that for a second. In the midst of chaos—a plane just crashed right in front of him!—Krums’s first instinct was to take a picture and load it to the web. There was nothing capitalistic or altruistic about it. Something amazing happened, and without thinking, he sent it out to the world. And let’s say he hadn’t. Let’s say he took this incredible photo—a photo any journalist would send to the Pulitzer board—and decided to sell it, said he was hanging onto it for the highest bidder. He would have been vilified by bloggers and Twitterers alike. His is a culture of sharing information. This is the culture Twitter is counting on. Whatever your thoughts on its ability to exist outside the collapsing economy or its inability (so far) to put a price tag on its services, that’s a real thing. That’s the instinct Stone was talking about. If the nation has tens of millions of people like Krums, that’s a phenomenon. That’s what Twitter is waiting for.

› 2009/02/04


Rosenbaum oversees a Twitter feed, too, a mix of the personal ("the problem with being law students is that at the end of the day defending joel, we still have to go home and read for class tomorrow"), the case-related ("breaking news: First Circuit will hear RIAA's appeal"), and the strategic ("know anyone interested in signing on to an amicus brief re: internet in the courtroom? send us a direct message").

› 2009/02/04


That is, until Boston University graduate student Joel Tenenbaum got in touch with Nesson in 2008. Nesson took the case, acting as Tenenbaum's attorney, but he outsourced the work of research, strategy, and brief writing to a set of eager Harvard Law students. The students would quickly mount an ambitious defense, not just of Joel Tenenbaum, but of the claim that the RIAA legal campaign was unconstitutionally excessive and improper. Armed with a law library, Twitter, a Web site, and caffeine, the students have already made sure that the upcoming Tenenbaum trial will eclipse the Minnesota Jammie Thomas case for sheer spectacle.

And, if things go their way, the world will get the chance to see it all live on the Web.

twitter wird von studenten der harward-law-school genutzt, bei dem fall gegen die riaa

› 2009/02/01


Twitter forces you to write concisely, and that makes for crisper, more direct, easier to read copy.

I was reminded of this when reading a piece written by Dan Santow at Edelman PR, who offers a list of phrases that can be replaced by single words without loss of meaning.

das 140character-limit bei twitter forciert die nutzung von konziser sprache.

› 2009/01/26


Social scientists have a name for this sort of incessant online contact. They call it “ambient awareness.” It is, they say, very much like being physically near someone and picking up on his mood through the little things he does — body language, sighs, stray comments — out of the corner of your eye. Facebook is no longer alone in offering this sort of interaction online. In the last year, there has been a boom in tools for “microblogging”: posting frequent tiny updates on what you’re doing. The phenomenon is quite different from what we normally think of as blogging, because a blog post is usually a written piece, sometimes quite long: a statement of opinion, a story, an analysis. But these new updates are something different. They’re far shorter, far more frequent and less carefully considered. One of the most popular new tools is Twitter,

great link between twitter and social sciences.

› 2008/12/20


"I'll just get straight to the point. You've been affected by the layoffs."

He told me he was reading from a script he was required to follow, and that he needed an address to send some sort of "Agreement" to me in Australia, and needed it sent back by December 19. Before I'd even finished the call, I twittered (to my private account):

"Wow. I just got fired." I was immediately distressed.

I stayed up until about 2:30am that night, chain smoking and talking to friends who saw my tweet and had responded - THANK YOU. I sent a formal request for time to transition The Commons program to whoever is to take it over: "A week should do it," I said. It was denied.

Twitter nimmt persönliche Formen an.

› 2008/12/17


But now that Obama is poised to take office, the election party's over and it's back to reality. As buzzworthy as it remains, the social-media industry still hasn't proven itself in the business viability department. This was a concern in Silicon Valley even before the financial downturn began to grow truly alarming: Twitter has not yet produced a business model. Facebook and Digg are not yet profitable.

Nun, da soziale Netzwerke ihre sozialen Möglichkeiten unter Beweis gestellt haben, steht die Frage an, wie sie denn profitabel werden können.

Damit hat microblogging ein ähnliches Problem wie die privat-sender in der BRD: Wie können sie Plattform einer möglichen kritischen, politischen, diskursiven Öffentlichkeit sein, wenn sie primär kommerzielle Interessen hegen?

› 2008/12/16


More than three-quarters of experts and 81 percent of overall respondents agreed that the mobile phone would be the primary Internet connection tool in 2020, largely due to the "bottom" of the world's population relying on mobile communications to get online.

Da in Zukunft der Großteil des Online-Seins immer mobil über mobile Endgeräte sein wird, wird sich die Twitter Nutzung verstärken. Überhaupt ist Twitter nur ein Konzentrationseffekt von Dingen, die es schon mit IRC, AIM o.ä. gab, nämlich das Leute dort primär mitgeteilt haben, was sie gerade machen.

› 2008/11/30


It was Twitter's moment. Users tagged posts with information or commentary on the crisis, turning a service that specializes in distributing short, personal updates to tight networks of friends and acquaintances into a way for people around the world to tune into personal, real-time accounts of the attacks.

twitter zeigt sich bei mumbai terror

› 2008/11/28


You can jump up and down and shout all you want that Twitter isn’t a real news source. But all you are doing is viewing the world through a reality lens that’s way outdated. People want information fast and raw from people who are on the scene. If it gets a little messy along the way, that’s ok. We’ll soon see tools that help us distill the really good stuff out of the stream anyway.

What matters isn’t any individual Twitter message and whether it’s right or wrong. It’s the organism as a whole, the aggregate, that lets people stream what they’re witnessing in real time to the world. That aggregate stream gives us more information, faster, than anything before. It’s news, and it’s incredibly valuable.

› 2008/11/28


Ein Faktor ist sicher, dass sich die Kommunikation / die Berichterstattung von gerade entdeckt’s in Richtung Twitter oder FriendFeed verschoben hat, und das ist auch völlig ok so.

weblogs werden durch twitter mehr und mehr ersetzt

› 2008/11/28


With more than 6 million members worldwide, an estimated 80 messages, or "tweets," were being sent to via SMS every five seconds, providing eyewitness accounts and updates.

› 2008/11/28


It was the day social media appeared to come of age and signaled itself as a news-gathering force to be reckoned with.

› 2008/11/25


He went on to apply a similar standard to the broader world of consumer-generated media. "I think when we call it 'consumer-generated media,' we're being predatory," he said. "Who said this is media? Media is something you can buy and sell. Media contains inventory. Media contains blank spaces. Consumers weren't trying to generate media. They were trying to talk to somebody.

Marketer vermutet, dass der SN inhalt nicht media ist. sondern einfach unterhaltung (chat).

er sieht den wert nicht ;)

› 2008/11/25


As we reported yesterday, Shaquille O’Neal is on Twitter, and it’s definitely the real Shaq. But two days ago as a few people started discovering The Big Aristotle’s account, not everyone was convinced.

Shaq twitters. Das interessante ist, dass in der Anfangsphase von twitter, kommunikation zwischen stars & non-stars möglich ist. vermutlich nur anfangs und auf dauer unmöglich.

› 2008/11/15


Scoble concurred. "The world has taught me, if you have an audience, a business model will show up. Google demonstrated that. It was in business for four years before it found a business model," and now it's a multibillion-dollar company.

The model could be advertising, it could be selling Twitter as a service to companies, and it could find something else entirely.

Welches business-modell könnte sich für twitter entwickeln.

› 2008/11/15


When cofounder Biz Stone saw the application that Jack Dorsey created in 2006 he was reminded of the way birds communicate: "Short bursts of information...Everyone is chirping, having a good time."

Original Definition des Begriffes Twitter

› 2008/11/15


What if Google knew before anyone else that a fast-spreading flu outbreak was putting you at heightened risk of getting sick? And what if it could alert you, your doctor and your local public health officials before the muscle aches and chills kicked in? That, in essence, is the promise of Google Flu Trends, a new Web tool ... unveiled on Tuesday, right at the start of flu season in the US. Google Flu Trends is based on the simple idea that people who are feeling sick will tend to turn to the Web for information, typing things like 'flu symptoms; or 'muscle aches' into Google. The service tracks such queries and charts their ebb and flow, broken down by regions and states.

Ein Beispiel, wie die Mitteilung von Nebensächlichkeiten aggregiert einen deutlich höheren Wert erreicht. Twitter könnte diesen Effekt vervielfachen, da hier nicht gesucht wird (also nur auf Problemlösungen anwendbar) sondern einfach mitgeteilt wird.

› 2008/11/11


Also entschuldigte ich mich bei Gore für die Störung, stellte mich vor und begrüßte ihn bei Twitter. Gores Augen wurden groß: “You already know?”, fragte er entgeistert. “Klar, Sie hatten schon vor Stunden 1500 Leser”, entgegnete ich. Er bedankte sich, sichtlich überrascht, dass er kurz nach seiner Anmeldung bei einem Online-Dienst schon von einem Deutschen beim Abendessen darauf angesprochen wird. Eine halbe Woche später, in diesem Moment, da ich dies schreibe, hat Gore schon 15.000 Leser.

Thomas Knuewer begruesst Al Gore bei Twitter, der sichtlich irritiert ist.

› 2008/11/10


To make it work, we take a sample from Twitter every 30 seconds and analyze them in 50-result batches for associations and term matches. They accumulate for 5 minutes and then we flush sample aggregates to the database. So the database has samples from when it started through present in 5-minute granularity. As new terms trend, they begin to populate on the X-axis. The system back end will be implemented using a Java-based stack and PostgreSQL RDBMS. The presentation will be implemented using Flash targeted to Player 9, standards-compliant XHTML/CSS targeted to modern browser versions with significant market share (Safari 2+, Firefox 2+, IE 6+).

Auswertung der Nachrichten bei Twitter, um einen Überblick über die U.S. Wahl zu bekommen.

› 2008/11/05


Current, cofounded by Al Gore, saw success with a "Hack the Debates" experiment in which the company overlaid political posts from Twitter users on top of live coverage of the McCain and Obama debates in real time. For its November 4 election night coverage, Current will fuse traditional and social media even further by incorporating real-time content from Digg, Twitter, and even video commentary from users.

Current, ein TV-Sender, hat zur U.S. Wahl TV mit Twitter und Digg vermengt.

› 2008/11/03


How else would an airline inaugurate a new terminal these days, except by Twittering it?

JetBlue Airways, which began flying to and from its new home at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York this morning, has been sending out updates about its first day via, and on its own blog.

› 2008/11/01


I believe what makes Twitter so valuable are these moments of connectivity that simply aren’t possible through any other communications tool.

twitter moments. liste von beispielen für dinge, die nur mit twitter möglich sind.

› 2008/10/30


In truth, it was an old--even hoary--marketing concept, dating back to 1955, when the pioneering sociologists Elihu Katz and Paul Lazarsfeld wrote Personal Influence. They had argued that advertising affected society through a two-step process: Companies broadcast messages, which were then seized upon by "opinion leaders" who proselytized their peers. They weren't talking about celebrities like Oprah or even Paris Hilton, but about the rare everyday people who catalyze trends. Reach those opinion leaders, Katz and Lazarsfeld argued, and you'd quickly convert the masses.

Gladwell reanimated this concept in The Tipping Point. To help illustrate the cultural sway of his hypernetworked protagonists, he tapped the renowned 1967 "Six Degrees of Separation" study by sociologist Stanley Milgram. In that experiment, Milgram had given letters to 160 people in Nebraska, with instructions to ferry them to a particular stockbroker in Boston by passing the letters along to a colleague socially closer to the target.

Twitter untersuchen, inwiefern z.B. Gruber o.a. als Opinion Leaders gelten können...

› 2008/10/28


Denn wenn es eine Kompetenz gibt, die man künftig brauchen wird, dann ist das die Kompetenz "Zuhören". Wem? Natürlich – den "Losern". Oder anders gesagt: allen Menschen, die was zum Produkt zu sagen haben. Tausenden von Leuten, deren Meinung mittlerweile einfach mehr zählt als die eine Idee des Werbers. Das hat viel mit Respekt zu tun, mit Interesse, mit Offenheit und Neugier.

› 2008/10/28

Mark Shuttleworth puts it spot-on

› 2008/10/28


Das 20. Jahrhundert war in der Werbung das Jahrhundert der Idee. Das 21. Jahrhundert wird das Jahrhundert des Menschen sein.

› 2008/10/25


When one of the big guys competes with Twitter, they will do everything Twitter does, compatibly, and they will also offer a firehose without restrictions, licenses or approval. Twitter will have to follow suit, but then it will be too late, they will be following in the market they created.

Gefahr für twitter durch big corporations

› 2008/10/18
› 2008/10/18


A columnist can ignore or duck a subject less noticeably than a blogger committing thoughts to pixels several times a day. A reporter can wait—must wait—until every source has confirmed. A novelist can spend months or years before committing words to the world. For bloggers, the deadline is always now. Blogging is therefore to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.

super zitat, dass die zeitliche differenz, und damit den wesentlichen unterschied, von journalismus / blogging / (microblogging) verdeutlicht

› 2008/10/18


Why is Twitter different than the 9,000 other Web 2.0 companies that are intending to figure out a revenue model eventually? Because people are obsessed with it.

› 2008/09/30


Most Americans feel that companies should have a presence on social media sites, and many feel that they should actively interact with customers through those sites. Those are just some of the findings of the 2008 Cone Business in Social Media Study, which said that 93 percent of Americans expect to see companies online where the users are—on social networking and other media sites.

IMPORTANT! 93% der amerikaner meinen, dass es wichtig ist, dass unternehmen auch im social web präsent sind

› 2008/09/06


But people also use Twitter for much more interesting things, and we'd like to be your tour guide through the less-explored portions of the Twittersphere (yep, another "sphere" for you to be aware of). Welcome to Twitter's more interesting, more useful, and more innovative side.

Zusammenfassung der unterschiedlichen Nutzungsweisen die es inzwischen für Twitter gibt.

› 2008/09/02


In the void between blogging and instant messaging, microblogging has emerged to provide users with yet another medium for electronic communication. Microblogging services, such as Twitter and, allow users to post short messages (140 characters or less) for their friends and followers. The technology offers a sort of universal back-channel for real-world events and helps bring Internet acquaintances closer together.

short description of twitter

› 2008/09/02


Like all new mediums, microblogging is ripe for artistic exploitation. New York Times writer Matt Richtel set out to test Twitter's literary potential by writing a "Twiller", a thriller story in 140-character increments. Richtel valiantly attempts to convey a cliché murder mystery—complete with dead hookers, an amnesia-afflicted killer, and (of course) Barack Obama.

Twitter being used for writig short stories

› 2008/08/30


Das Schöne an Twitter: Man darf ungestraft Wahrheiten zuspitzen und simplifizieren.

Sixtus über die Vorteile von Twitter. Etwas provokant.

› 2008/08/27


While being able to view Flickr photos shot in your city or to see local microblogging posts on Twitter is fun and all, we haven't seen anyone really aggregate location-based media into one lifestream to provide a birds-eye view of what's going on across news outlets, social networks, and other UGC communities.

fwix kombiniert alle location aware social services in ein konglomerat

› 2008/08/21


Twitter-Bashing von Bloggern ist das neue Blogger-Bashing von Journalisten.

Interessante Beobachtung zu Twitter.

› 2008/08/21


Nach dem Riesenerfolg der Twitterlesung, wo Blogger beschlossen hatten es toll zu finden sich gegenseitig Kurzmitteilungen mit der intellektuellen Fallhöhe von Einkaufszetteln vorzulesen, nun der nächste Hammer-Kulturevent: Landwirte aus Sachsen-Anhalt lesen ihre Lieblings-Wasserstandsmeldungen für die Flusschifffahrt aus drei Jahrhunderten.

Blogger Sven K. kritisiert den geringen Wert der Inhalte twitters. M. e. ungerechtfertigt, da er falsche Maßstäbe ansetzt. Twitter will nicht erstrangig Qualitätsjournalismus abdecken. Twitter deckt alle Kommunikation ab und dadurch nebenher auch Relevantes und Hinweise die dann als Grundlage für qualitativ hochwertige journalistische Produkte dienen können. Twitter ist eher ein digitales Pendant zu einer Freundesrunde / Stammtisch o.a. etwas, wo jeder einem begrenzten Publikum (d.h. im kleinen Rahmen) seine Gedanken mitteilen kann. Aber mit einer Archivierungsfunktion.

› 2008/08/19


Folks are increasingly getting their news online as the popularity of traditional news outlets like TV, radio, and newspapers continues to decline. The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press conducted its biennial survey of news consumption between April 30 and June 1 this year of 3,612 US adults. Pew named four distinct groupings of the news audience, and although all groups still rely on traditional media in some ways, online sources continue to gain traction—and from desirable demographics. That said, Americans still have some issues with the Internet as a news source, however.

Online News Consumption Gros - Despite Credibility Issues

› 2008/08/19


Rep. John Culberson (R-TX), a pioneer in using new media to communicate with constituents, sounded the alarm over the new rules via Twitter.

US Congressman uses Twitter

› 2008/08/19


Langsam hab ich den Eindruck, dass Tweets PR-Agenturen mehr in Panik versetzen als Blog-Einträge...

Thomas Knuewer über die Relevanz von Twitter für PR

› 2008/08/19


Twitter seems like a really stupid concept... and it is!  There's no reason anyone would want to spend their time reading and writing random, stream of consciousness microblogs.  Really.  I can't stop. 

I don't know what it is, but it's stupidly addictive.

Kurt Mackey on the Twitter addiction

› 2008/08/18


Social websites like Facebook and MySpace have attracted a great deal of attention as targets of opportunity for phishing scams, but they are scarcely the only two social networking sites. New information suggests that hackers have tuned in to the newfound popularity of microblogging, and are at the very least evaluating Twitter as a potential target.

Spammers target Twitter too.

› 2008/08/15


The New York Times has been on a Twitter tear lately. They've got a good collection of accounts that make for some nice variety. Some of the accounts are written straight-up by writers, editors, and bloggers at the Times and others deliver just the Section Headlines.

NY Times twitters too.

› 2008/08/15


A quick and plain English intro the micro-blogging service Twitter.

Great introduction to Twitter

› 2008/08/15


The good news for most people is that we're taking measures to reduce junk in the system—and it's working.

Twitter implementiert Methoden um Spam zu reduzieren, Junk auszufiltern.

› 2008/08/15


Follow spam is the act of following mass numbers of people, not because you're actually interested in their tweets, but simply to gain attention, get views of your profile (and possibly clicks on URLs therein), or (ideally) to get followed back.

Wie funktioniert 'Follow Spam' bei Twitter.

› 2008/07/05


If blogs, podcasts, and Twitter haven’t made it clear enough, let me make it so here: The aughts are all about documentation—recording every insignificant moment of your life and the lives of those around you—and, frankly, you, like me, have fallen down on the job.

› 2008/07/01


I don't see how it can't change the world ... it has 'Micro' and 'Blog' in the name, and I'll always know where I was when I twittered to tell everyone I was in the john.

Cmdr Taco on Geomicroblogging