
❯ 07/28/2008

Torque game engine for the iPhone. Licensing seems to be design

❯ 08/01/2008

Fascinating quote by Linus Torvalds.

❯ 08/10/2008

I don't even want to imagine, how an i911 would turn out for th

❯ 08/13/2008

I love this story

❯ 08/14/2008

Star Wars - The Clone Wars

❯ 08/15/2008

oh so true

❯ 08/16/2008

Dan Gilbert (Stumbling on Happiness) on the task of social psyc

❯ 08/19/2008

Insightfull comment from Wil Shipley which just about fits me i

❯ 08/21/2008

From a Get-a-Mac Add

❯ 08/27/2008

Ubiquity, a new Firefox extension from Mozilla Labs

❯ 09/24/2008

Most users are idiots

❯ 09/30/2008

New Sascha Cohen Movie

❯ 10/09/2008

An American moving to Hamburg

❯ 10/28/2008

Mark Shuttleworth puts it spot-on

❯ 10/27/2009

Very nice essay on the differences between operating a startup

❯ 11/01/2009

As mentioned earlier, I fear the same

❯ 11/06/2009

Is Apple after the newspapers?

❯ 02/27/2010

Liberalism, Atheism, and IQ

❯ 04/05/2010

Addendum to my last post

❯ 07/06/2010

On Literary Criticism

❯ 07/27/2010

ars technica on why Apple won't buy AMD

❯ 07/27/2010

Paul Graham on Addiction

❯ 07/27/2010

Simon Funk's online novel After Life depicts (among other plot

❯ 08/03/2010