Techou - A Rust Static Site Generator

A brief explanation of what this is and why it exists.


I started on this blog last week. The sane thing would have been to just go with one of the pre-existing static blog engines, such as Hugo, Pelican, Zola, or Cobalt. As you can guess, I didn’t do that. Another sane thing would have been to just use one of the thousands of pre-existing themes. As you can imagine I didn’t do that either.

Instead, last weekend, when I decided to have this new blog, I searched for some layouts but could find nothing that I really liked. Then, I decided to roll my own. While I was doing that, I realized it needed features that are more difficult to configure in pre-existing static site engines. So I wondered if I could cobble together a very simple static site generator on that weekend. That’s how techou was born.

Techou Logo

Techou is japanese (てちょう) and means diary / notepad. Given that Techou was hacked over a weekend, it has a surprising amount of features. Custom Markdown syntax extensions, Auto-reload via websockets, project files, auto-generate on file change, tags, toml front matter support, meta tags per article, and templates. This all thanks to the amazing Rust package ecosystem. Techou is still very much a hack but I want to extend it into a very-easy-to-hack-on static site engine library. You can learn more about Techou here