Tim Cook really doesn't want developers to use his beautiful iPads
Tim Cook really doesn’t want developers to use his beautiful iPads
I can’t wait to see all the magic they add to iPad OS so that I still can’t use it for a single thing as a software developer…
And stop telling me about VNC or SSH or VSCode in the browser. Work means I should be able to go offline and not be dependent on shitty internet connections.
I don’t even expect Xcode, but at least invent a special entitlement for apps like https://getutm.app such that a developer can run VMs on their iPad

ALSO: I’m not even spending “Tim Cook’s Money”. Instead, Apple is actively making it harder to run VMs on your iPad. See the iOS 17 additions on the AltStore: https://faq.altstore.io/how-to-use-altstore/altjit
Apple is spending money to worsen the developer experience on iPad. You could almost think they don’t like developers very much.