Using protocol composition to untangle your codebase

A simple way to untangle your codebase via protocols. Particularly useful for project configurations.

In this article, I’d like to discuss the benefit of splitting protocols into smaller mini-protocols. In order to exemplify this, we will look into the imaginary implementation of a static site generator in Swift. We will only cover the structure of a site generator, though. The writing of an actual static site generator in Swift has to wait for another time.

Static site generators take articles (usually written in Markdown) and convert them into HTML. This, by itself, is easy, but there is a lot of additional functionality that needs to be implemented for a static site generator to be actually useful. Examples are:

  • Google sitemap support
  • RSS feeds
  • Copying assets (images, css, js)
  • Calculating tag clouds


The structure of different websites varies to a large degree, it is almost safe to say that no two websites are equal. In order to accomodate for that, our static site generator will need to provide a configuration which allows the consumer to configure it depending on the needs of the particular website. Obviously, we will have all time favorites, such as the title, the address of the server, meta tags, or the name of the author. We will store this configuration in a Swift struct:

struct Configuration {
  let title = "My Website"
  let address = ""
  let metaTags = ["swift", "website", "furry"]
  let author = "Benedikt Terhechte"

When our app starts up, we create one Configuration and dependency-inject it into all of our components so that we can access the configuration properties:

struct HTMLRenderer {
  private let config: Configuration
    init(with configuration: Configuration) {
      config = configuration

Here is an example of our HTMLRenderer and how it uses the config property to access the Configuration values via the private, dependency-injected, config property:

// Somewhere in our `HTMLRenderer` code
template.write(Tag(name: "title", 
                  value: config.title))
template.write(Tag(name: "meta", 
             attributes: ["content": config.metaTags.join(", "),
                          "name": "keywords"]))

As we continue working on our engine we also add additional configuration properties. The RSS Feed, the sitemap generator, the assets and so on all require additional configuration properties.

struct Configuration {
  // RSS Properties
  let rssAddress = ""
  let rssTitle = "My Website Feed"
  let maxAmountOfArticlesInRSS = 10

  // Sitemap configuration
  let sitemapFilename = "sitemap.xml"

  // Copy Folders Configuration
  let foldersToCopy = ["css", "js", "img", "playgrounds"]

At first, this works great. However, after some time we decide that we’d like to split up our codebase into multiple frameworks. The reason is that much of the code that we wrote (such as our RSS generator) can also be used in other projects.

Now, we have the problem that most of our code is dependent on our central Configuration structure. For example, if somebody just wanted to use our SitemapGenerator.framework, they’d need to initialize a Configuration struct, even though they don’t need 90% of the actual configuration.

In order to solve this, we decide to split the configuration up into many smaller configurations, each for their specific use case:

struct HTMLConfiguration {
  let title = "My Website"
  let address = ""
  let metaTags = ["swift", "website", "furry"]
  let author = "Benedikt Terhechte"

struct RSSConfiguration {
  let rssAddress = ""
  let rssTitle = "My Website Feed"
  let maxAmountOfArticlesInRSS = 10

struct SitemapConfiguration {
  let sitemapFilename = "sitemap.xml"

struct FoldersConfiguration {
  let foldersToCopy = ["css", "js", "img", "playgrounds"]

Not only does this solve our problem, we also have the added benefit of not needing additional documentation in the source code as the names of the struct types are now self-explanatory.

While this is clearly better in terms of simplifying the experience of using our many frameworks (such as the SitemapGenerator.framework), it worsens the situation for our actual main product, the static site generator.

In there, we have many components that use more than just one of our frameworks. They suddenly require us to dependency-inject multiple, different, configurations in their initializer.

Consider our HTML-Renderer which internally renders the HTML file but also uses our RSS.framework and SitemapGenerator.framework to render the sitemap and the rss feed. It now requires three different configurations for startup:

struct HTMLRenderer {
  init(htmlConfiguration: HTMLConfiguration, 
      sitemapConfiguration: SitemapConfiguration, 
      rssConfiguration: RSSConfiguration) {

Clearly, this is already getting out of hand, and it may become even worse once we incoroporate more functionality into our static site generator.

So, how do we solve this? As always - with protocols of course.

Protocols to the rescue

Instead of defining struct types for our configurations, we can obviously also define protocol types:

protocol HTMLConfigurationProtocol {
  var title: String { get }
  var address: String { get }
  var metaTags: [String] { get }
  var author: String { get }

protocol RSSConfigurationProtocol {
  var rssAddress: String { get }
  var rssTitle: String { get }
  var maxAmountOfArticlesInRSS: Int { get }

protocol SitemapConfigurationProtocol {
  var sitemapFilename: String { get }

protocol FoldersConfigurationProtocol {
  var foldersToCopy: [String] { get }

So, how does this exactly solve our problem? Our renderer code still looks just as messy, only that now we added one level of indirection:

struct HTMLRenderer {
  init(htmlConfiguration: HTMLConfigurationProtocol, 
      sitemapConfiguration: SitemapConfigurationProtocol, 
      rssConfiguration: RSSConfigurationProtocol) {

This, however, is not our renderer’s final form.

Protocol Composition

Swift has a particular nifty feature that allows you to define that a type has to conform to a number of protocols by joining them via &. We can use this in our renderer to state that it requires a configuration type that conforms to the HTMLConfigurationProtocol, the SitemapConfigurationProtocol and the RSSConfigurationProtocol:

struct HTMLRenderer {
  init(configuration: HTMLConfigurationProtocol & 
          SitemapConfigurationProtocol & 
          RSSConfigurationProtocol) {

What we’re doing here is telling Swift that only a type that conforms to HTMLConfigurationProtocol, SitemapConfigurationProtocol, and RSSConfigurationProtocol at the same time is allowed to be used for the configuration of the HTMLRenderer.

This solves our problem in a very beautiful way:

  • Our specific frameworks just know about their specific Configuration protocols (such as SitemapConfigurationProtocol).
  • Our overarching static site generator knows about all the protocols of the sub-frameworks it incorporates and can conform to them accordingly
  • New projects leveraging one of our frameworks can easily extend their existing configuration to conform to the relevant protocol and don’t need to introduce a wholy new type.

Most importantly, our Configuration struct in our main Static Site Generator is just one type again, it just conforms to multiple protocols.