Quoted from http://www.wired.com/magazine/2009/10/ff_waronscience/all/1

Quoted from http://www.wired.com/magazine/2009/10/ff_waronscience/all/1

via www.wired.com/

This isn’t a religious dispute, like the debate over creationism and intelligent design. It’s a challenge to traditional science that crosses party, class, and religious lines. It is partly a reaction to Big Pharma’s blunders and PR missteps, from Vioxx to illegal marketing ploys, which have encouraged a distrust of experts. It is also, ironically, a product of the era of instant communication and easy access to information. The doubters and deniers are empowered by the Internet (online, nobody knows you’re not a doctor) and helped by the mainstream media, which has an interest in pumping up bad science to create a “debate” where there should be none.

Die Anonymität des Internets, und die kurzsichtige Gier der Massenmedien, verhindern die Verbreitung von Information / Wahrheit.