StyleMac 2.0
StyleMac 2.0
Back in 2005, when StyleMac started, we had high expectations. We wanted to create a Weblog that was primary based on the topics of Apple / Mac OS X, Design and Software Development / Unix. Touching all subjects that someone interested in creative work might find interesting. As StyleMac started to grow, however, it became ever more clear, that continuing on said ideals was impossible next to a day-job as StyleMac has always just been a evening project. And since the Site couldn’t hardly pay our rent, we decided to cut the time we spent in the site. From that point onward, StyleMac has seen ups and downs - mostly downs. With little content having been added since the inital first 5 months. Now, almost 4 years after going life, StyleMac will change. Instead of trying to offer news on above topics, it will lead as the hub for all the Mac and iPhone applications we developed over the years. So the StyleMac News Blog will transform into StyleMac - Joyful Apple Software. In addition to that, there’ll be interesting tidbits on Cocoa, Apple, Unix or Software Development. But always only then, if we encounter it in one of our projects. Wrapping it all up: StyleMac is Dead, long live StyleMac. From now on this site will function as the information hub for our Software Developments. And since we needed something to celebrate this event, we rewrote our Safarilicious Software from the ground up, and released it just as well today:
Safarilicious 1.0 Rewritten from the ground up, universal binary, Leopard compatible, way better UI and lots of new features. Enjoy!
And a major update for OweMe is also in the works.
PS: You’ll notice that the links for our products will lead to subdomains of That’s an unfortunate side-effect of the previous state of the old StyleMac but will be resolved soon.
Thanks for your patience, Benedikt Terhechte