Quoted from http://news.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/10/05/201205&from=rss

Quoted from http://news.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/10/05/201205&from=rss

via news.slashdot.org/

This is The Register’s world-class investigative piece concerning one aspect of the meltdown on Wall Street (‘naked short selling’) and how the criminals engaged a journalist to distort Wikipedia to confuse the discourse. The article explicitly and formally accuses a well-known US financial journalist, Gary Weiss, of lying about his efforts to distort a Wikipedia page under assumed names, and accuses the Powers That Be in Wikipedia (right up to and including Jimbo Wales) of complicity in protecting Weiss. This is not another story about a 15-year-old farm kid in Iowa pretending to be a professor. This is like the worst Chomskian view of Elites manipulating mass opinion. But it is all documented

wikipedia, etc, being used for mass opinion manipulation. wikipedia hat viel mehr vertrauen, als z.B. das fernsehen, da es von “gleichgesinnten” geschrieben wurde