Quoted from http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/08/23/2225206&from=rss
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Quoted from http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/08/23/2225206&from=rss
“Remember Knight-Ridder and AT&T’s Viewtron from 1983? With a $900 terminal and $12 a month, you could access news from the Miami Herald and the New York Times, online shopping, banking and food delivery, via a 300-baud modem. After sinking $16 million a year into the project, Knight-Ridder shut it down in 1986. That’s just the earliest of the 5 newspaper failures on the Web that Valleywag details in this post, writing: ‘each tale ends the same way: A promising start, shuttered amid fear, uncertainty, and doubt.’”
Die ersten Gehversuche von Zeitungen im Internet. Allesamt nicht von Erfolg gekrönt. Startete bereits 1980.