Quoted from http://popfail.com/world-business/footage-of-vote-rigging-actually-taking-place-in-zimbabwe/

Quoted from http://popfail.com/world-business/footage-of-vote-rigging-actually-taking-place-in-zimbabwe/

via popfail.com/

There is no way around it.  You vote for Mugabe or you risk your life.  Period.

This really, truly exemplifies the problem at Digg.  I don’t want this to turn into a rant, but this story or a variation easily hit the front page of Reddit, Propeller, and several other social media sites.  On Digg, it went nowhere.

Dieser politische Artikel zu Mugabe und Zimbabwe hat in anderen social media sites die Frontpage erreicht nicht aber bei Digg. Digg = unpolitisch?