SquirrelFish - 1.6 Times faster Javascript for Safari

WebKit has introduced SquirrelFish, a new JavaScript engine for Safari. Unlike traditional engines, SquirrelFish generates executable bytecode directly, improving performance for JavaScript-heavy applications. Available in nightly builds, it offers a notable speed enhancement, as demonstrated in tests with complex applications.

SquirrelFish - 1.6 Times faster Javascript for Safari

The WebKit developers just announced SquirrelFish, a new JavaScript engine for Safari (et others). To quote the developers: “SquirrelFish is a register-based, direct-threaded, high-level bytecode engine, with a sliding register window calling convention. It lazily generates bytecodes from a syntax tree, using a simple one-pass compiler with built-in copy propagation.”

So instead of building and parsing a syntax-tree, like other Javascript-Engines do, SquirrelFish builds executable bytecode. You can find the new engine in the nightly builds. Good chance to play around with it and see how it performs with Javascript-heavy applications. I just rolled a test against our primary product at work, a big and extensive javascript layout application. One could really “feel” the speed differences.