
Life has been a tumultuous journey recently, marked by a serious illness and the loss of my dog. Despite these challenges, I’ve started studying and enjoyed a vacation in Mykonos. I’m gradually returning to normalcy, including moving to Münster and acquiring a new MacBook Pro, while reflecting on the many books I've read this year.


It’s been a while. I admit it. Actually it’s been the longest period of silence this, my little blog, had to endure so far. My life has been a macroscopic version of a roller coaster ride to hell and back ever since I wrote that last short article babbling about my beach party adventures. However, first the good news: Contrary to what Roger had already suspected, I’m not dead (yet), and second, I really managed to start studying now, just as I planned to do, and third, I had a very nice vacation to Mykonos (Greece) this summer. Examinig those three points again I can’t but agree that those are the only good things which happened since that last blog-entry in June.
Not only the actual difference regarding the amount of good vs. bad news, but also the difficulty surrounding the explanation of the bad ones, just as well as their emotional background ( that which I’m not really willing to expose here ), lead to an awkward level of complexity, which naturally refuses to break down into smaller, simpler, (albeit still bad) pieces that could be explained to you, my dear friends. That means that I’m not really willing or able to explain everything that happened, and even those which I am to disclose won’t be discussed to great lengths but merely “mentioned”.
Apart from this, I still have a dim shimmer of hope leading to the tenuous assumption that I might be able to write a bit more in the future; And (which is even more important) that I’ll start to read your blogs and livejournales again (because I not only dropped out of my life and my blog and whatnot, I also dropped out of the internet, keeping me from being updated about the current state of your lifes).
So, without further ado, here’s my list of very-bad-things that happened during the past months (only those which I feal can be discussed here, there’s a lot more :( ) (non-chronological order)

* I had a serious illnes which resulted in my ears not working anymore and was close to a ‘stroke of paralysis’ (I’m mostly better now, tho)

* Our dog, Corrie, died due to rat poison :(

* A rather big transition phase (which started about 1.5 months ago and will continue until January) keeps me from having almost any free time at all; I’m always busy, always on the run, and way too nervous. If I don’t manage to calm down here, the above-mentioned Illness might very well come back

* I lost quite some money due to a stupid error

That’s it; As mentioned above, I’m kinda on track, currently moving back into what some people would refer to as ‘normality’, that’s why I have high expectations for 2007. There’s a ton of other (lets call them ‘neutral’ news right now) things which I’d like to adress here, before I leave for study-preparations: I moved to Münster, a nice, quaint (god I love that word) town not too far from here;  I got that MacBook Pro I sought after (DE); Meaning I switched from a 4-Computer workflow to a 1-Computer one. It feels so much better. I managed to go to some extraordinary good parties in between, met a lot of interesting people and generally feel well thinking about my social life (although I know that I desperately need to call some of my closer friends again because they, just like Roger, will suspect death otherwise - and I don’t want them condolence cards to arrive right now ;) ) I’ve read a crazy ton of books this year (I kinda just realized that last week when I cleaned my shelf) All those books I read on the airplanes to Stuttgart as well as what I read while I had to stay in the hospital really adds up to some crazy number.

Ok, I hope that the above text was somehow understandable; My current lack of english communication (no icq, no blog, no aim, no phone calls, the friends from argentina went back home till next year) reveal via this blog entry that my english tongue has been degenerated down to a new level, but I hope that future blog posts (as well as an added emphasis on icq communication) will help me train it again, so that those future postings might be a tad more understandable and or readable.

I’m back - still choking - but alive; and the wet clothes are beginning to dry.
Thanks for reading, Benedikt