Into the finals / Beachparty 06
Into the finals / Beachparty 06
After 6months of hard work, after 6 months of extremly busy schedules and a almost non-existant private life (read, no spare time either), after all this I had a week of vacation. This week really helped me, it was my first vacation in about 9 months and I spend most of my time refreshing, relaxing and regenerating.
Next week will be my (hopefully) last week in Stuttgart, another really busy time but afterwards the whole project should be done. I’ll write about the project, the impacts and more at another time, and switch topic to this week’s beach party now:
Our local club had a Beachparty going on this week, from Wednesday to Saturday. It was a really really good Party, lots of people, beautifull women, great overall atmosphere, and it felt so good celebrating after all these busy weeks. I needed this party so bad, and thus I really enjoyed it - although the next day was always followed by some serious headdaches, but hey, that’s life :)
I uploaded some pictures: