✎ Published:
Due to work-related stress and the risk of burnout, I am taking a break from writing on this blog. It feels better to unplug from computers in my free time. The blog is temporarily closed until further notice. Feel free to reach out on ICQ or AIM, but responses may vary. Thank you for reading.
I’m sorry for not writing in here anymore. But a dificile combination consisting largely out of work-based stress and therefore the need for recreation in the little spare time I have.
I feel that I’m shortly before entering a burn-out state again, so I need to be carefull. And currently it feels very good to not use a computer in my spare time. So I’d call this Blog sort of temporalily closed. - Until further notice. If you see me on ICQ or AIM feel free to contact me, I might or might not answer.
Love you all. Thanks for reading.