New Years Resolutions

As 2006 approaches, I reflect on the past year and consider setting New Year's resolutions for personal growth. My goals include quitting smoking, losing weight, improving my Spanish and Dutch, setting clear objectives, and blogging more frequently. These resolutions will provide direction and motivation for the year ahead.

New Years Resolutions

The year is almost over again. Only several hours are left before 2006 comes to replace the already ill-fated 2005.
A newyear  always comes with new hopes, ideas, goals.
When the last year started, I had hopes and ideas which worked out totally different than I expected. Usually New Years Resolutions are part of the goals which one makes for the next year, and just as I had no goals, I had no resolutions either. Looking back I have to say tht it wasn’t a bad year at all. Everyone has his up’s and down’s and so I had times when I was in deep despair just as I had times when I felt so lucky that I could have cried.
Understanding this I still think that it might be usefull to make some real New Years Resolutions, on the one hand to have something to look back to at the end of the coming year, and on the other to have some sort of plan, or collection of goals. Something to refer to if I’m not sure which direction to go. And as I’m already in the busy again (I need to leave for a new years party in <60min) I’ll start with my resolutions now.

  • I’ll stop smoking. This one is important. I’ve actually never been a real smoker.. I’m more someone who smokes from time to time when at a party. But I need to adress this issue now before it starts getting worse. This will be a tough one as I only smoke when I’m drunk, and when I’m drunk I hardly have the will to refuse a cigarette, but I’ll try my best.

  • I’ve to lose weight. Adiposity has been in a strong battle with me over the years. And won. My current job leaves little to no time for sport, and the fact that I’m almost living in a hotel isn’t good for nutrition either. So I have to force me to eat good healthy food everytime I can, and do sports everytime schedule allows it. Only a combined attack with strong will can help me here.

  • Spanish. Yes again, I’m still eager to enhance my basic spanish skillset onto a conversation-friendly level which would allow me to talk with my argentinian friends without frequently having to dig through tons of gestures. I bought spanish books recently and reading them is not that bad, I need to learn some many words, but at least I can work around the language for now. For the next year I’ll hope to be able to greatly enhance my vocabulary so I finally can start writing blog posts in spanish which make sense in the one or other way.

  • Dutch. Everything in life has a dual nature, and since I need to learn dutch due to some requirements I enforced upon myself, I thought I might very well try to do it next to learning spanish. My brain should be in the right mode when I’m busy learning spanish, so learning dutch in addition to it can only make it easier.

  • Set goals. This one is important. I, as described above, lack goals. I have plans, ideas and whatnot, but no goals. I’ve read some interersting books regarding this topic now (for example David Allen’s ‘Getting Things Done’) but I didn’t adapt that knowledge yet.
    With the events and results of what I currently plan for 2006, a first real set of goals should be possible.

  • Blog more. Yeah just that.

Ok, that’s it. These are my new years resolutions. If you see me not adhering to them, feel free to allude me.
Thanks for reading.

Have a Happy New Years.
Best wishes for 2006
Benedikt Terhechte