Ah great, so Adobe and Microsoft are in the boat

Roz Ho and Bruce Chizen emphasized their commitment to the Macintosh platform while Steve Jobs introduced Rosetta, a dynamic binary translator enabling existing PowerPC applications to run on Intel hardware. Jobs showcased its capabilities by running unmodified versions of Microsoft Office, Quicken, and Photoshop CS 2, highlighting the transition to Intel-based systems.

Ah great, so Adobe and Microsoft are in the boat

Can’t resist but smile a bit

Microsoft’s Roz Ho and Adobe’s Bruce Chizen both took the stage to reaffirm their commitment to the Macintosh platform


Jobs also discussed a new technology called Rosetta, that he described as "a dynamic binary translator." It runs existing PowerPC applications on the Intel platform, he said. Jobs described Rosetta as "lightweight," and said "it's nothing like Classic."

Jobs demonstrated Rosetta by running Microsoft Office applications, Quicken and Photoshop CS 2 -- all unmodified PowerPC-binary versions, unlike Mathematica -- on the new Intel-based hardware.

and now for those new iPods he was talking about.. I need a new one...