Darth Frog
Darth Frog
Imagine you have a frog. Unfortunately your frog, lets say in an attempt to mimic what he saw in the newest <a href="http://www.starwars.com/episode-iii/">Star Wars movie</a>, dies a cruel and lugubrious death.<br>
Reflecting uppon the nature of death, the circulation of life, in an
quest to find anwsers to this dire tragedy, you encounter the
philosophical question of what to do with the frog.
What would you do with a dead frog? He was one of your closes friends once, your brother he was.
And now the Frog continued on the ever unveiling path of life.
So, as you think about this problem, it all comes clear, it is so
simple, everything should be as meaningfull, as straight as this. More
than 2000 years after someone got nailed on a tree because he suggested
that it would be damn jolly idea if, just for a change, all people
could be neat to each other, you find the ultimate solution what to do with your dead best friend. What to do with your dead frog.
This is how it probably happened, how causally determined everything started:
guys from somewhere I don’t even wanna know took a dead frog, implanted
a computer into his body, threw him into a bag of formaldehyde, ran a
WWW Server on that computer and connected him to a friggin network. And
now one can control the frogs legs via internet.
That’s insane. Totally.
But it reminds me of star wars episode three. The Frog dies, and
computer machinery is built into him, a golden cage is built around
him, so he can continue his existance, who knows maybe that frog develops a super-virus AI and that one will someday enslave mankind.
There’s even a video showing how the frog moves…