you got a stick

I received a stick from Markus and had to translate it to share with others. Currently, I have about 40GB of music, recently bought three albums, and was listening to 'Cabin Crew - Star to Fall' when I got the message. I also listed five important tracks and shared the stick with three friends.

you got a stick

I got this stick from Markus last week, I couldn’t answer it up to now. Markus send his stick in german, but I figured that I had to translate it in order to follow the rules which demand that I have to throw this stick to other webloggers afterwards, and all the other weblogging friends I have/(can think of right now) aren’t german.

1. How many gigantic bytes of music do you have saved on your computer?
Hm, I think there’re currently about 40gb of music, tendency “up” :)

2. The last album/cd you bought was .. ?
3 Days ago 3 albums at once:
“All that Jazz”,
“Royal Philharmnoic Orchestra - Easy Listening”,
“Irish Music” (for mom ;) )

3. Which track were you listening to when you got this message?
Cabin Crew - Star to Fall

4. Name five tracks to which you listen quite often and which are important to you.
(in no specific order)
Zero 7 - Sommersault
Coldplay - The Scientist
Bach - Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D-Minor “Air”
John Denver - Leaving on a Jetplane
Royksöpp - Remind me
Carlos Gardel - Por una Cabeza

5. Which other people do you give this stick (3 people) and why?
The lucky fellows I offer this stick are:
Variable Rush,
Joe Cam,