Choose a band/artist and answer ONLY IN SONG TITLES by that band
Choose a band/artist and answer ONLY IN SONG TITLES by that band
Nicked from <a href="">Ambroggio </a>who nicked it from <a href="">Leila</a>:<br>
Rage Against The Machine</span>:<br>
Are you male or female: Snakecharmer
Describe yourself: Calm like a Bomb
How do some people feel about you:Street fighting man
How do you feel about yourself: Freedom
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Born as a Ghost
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: People of the sun
Describe where you want to be: Down on the Street
Describe what you want to be: Wake Up
Describe how you live: Tire me
Describe how you love: Fistfull of Steel ;-)
Are you male or female: Sexy Boy
Describe yourself: Surfin on a rocket
How do some people feel about you: Alpha beta gaga
How do you feel about yourself: Lucky & Unhappy
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Empty house
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: Cherry blossom girl
Describe where you want to be: Alone in Kyoto
Describe what you want to be: Mike Mills
Describe how you live: All I need
Describe how you love: Casanova 70