Safari Passes Acid2 Test :-)
Safari Passes Acid2 Test :-)
The Web standards project has released the Acid2
test for Web browsers. It is a pretty crafty HTML+CSS test designed to
ensure that browsers are properly implementing support for those
Every browser fails it spectacularly. :)
Almost every browser that is;
Mac OS X ‘Safari 2.0’ passes the test now :) (patched)
So while Microsoft is busy updating IE7 so they’re at least compatible
with specs drafted in 1996 (Png Alpha) Apple is once again on the
bleeding edge, having the first browser which passes the Web standards
project test suite.
Congratulations to Dave Hyatt :)
Another good thing is that the Safari HTML engine ‘khtml’ comes from the KDE Konqueror-project and so it won’t probably take long until the Konqueror passes this test too :)
Ah yeah and in case you wonder: khtml != Gecko (the engine that fires
the famous mozilla firefox browser), so these developments won’t help
Firefox pass the Acid2 test. I just tried the test with Firefox 1.0 and
I’ve to say that it looks better than in my current unpatched Safari
1.3, so I guess it won’t take long until Gecko/Firefox passes this test
Just a pitty that the Safari 2.0 from tomorrow’s upcoming Tiger doesn’t already support this.
Let’s see when the IE will be able to pass this test :)